Feb 8, 2012



Sanctity is not defined by your actions but instead by your thought and the purity of your soul!

In deep slumber, there she was, lying like an angel amidst white and blue sheets.
The heave of her chest as she took long breaths while lost in dreamland, he could clearly see.
But, it was time for him to go, to leave her side again like every other day and head to another world .

She opened her eyes as he stretched out hand met the empty side of the bed to nothingness.
The sun’s rays caressed her skin, creating warmth enough to fight the harsh cold morning breeze.
But, she chose to keep her eyes shut, to gather warmth from his image that she saw in her dreams.

As the sun wore its evening clothes and the stars gathered around to see it vanish in the horizon, she crossed the streets, seemingly unbothered about the cat calls and lewd comments. She knew that her image was being violated in the filthy minds of these people but she preferred to not think of it even thought it perturbed her, subconsciously.
He sat there, in the dark corner, preferring to look at her eyes while the others ogled at her gyrating body.  While the others tried to lure her by offering wads of notes, he lured her with his heart. But, she kept her distance away from him, if only physically, as she circled around them in seemingly obscene yet graceful movements!

She got teens of offers being the prettiest of the lot, but when she stepped out of the green room, after washing away the thick layers of makeup, while the beads of sweat still clung to her, reminding her of the act, she could see him awaiting for her like every other night, to cleanse her mind just like the gentle breeze cleansed her off her sweat and toil, while she sat behind him on his bike.

Their love was one of a kind, as pure as the dew drops that the cold mornings left, as pure as the breeze that the mountains summoned, as pure as the silver beam of moonlight, as pure as the silent hearts of the twinkling stars. Only that, the world refused to see it. To the world, their relationship was adulterous and immoral even! 

As they lay holding hands, conversing silently, the night witnessing the sanctity of their pure relationship as opposed to the several other society defined yet impure relationships, he leant over and whispered “Will you marry me?”

The silence that followed reverberated louder than any cacophony but all she said was “Yes” forgetting for just one minute that she had mouths to feed who solely depended on her, while he made a silent promise that he wouldn’t come in whatever way she chose to live for her own reasons which he perfectly understood and respected!

Some relationships, we might not see clearly, but each of them have their own purity !


P.S : Happy proposal day !

4 tunes:

  1. “Some relationships, we might not see clearly, but each of them have their own purity !”

    So correct, so true. Once again this Post,as usual, is another gem. We as people are too judgemental in forming an opinion on almost every other person/relation, without actually, trying to know the other or understand the other’s point of view, or the facts. A relation can be pure a child’s heart, but people with their dirty distorted thinking / imagination always like to create the most immoral/ indecent picture, their petty minds, can conceive. It’s sad but that’s what the world is all about. I loved the post, Amo, you are a pro when it comes to describing different shades of life so well. Fantastic. Love you kid.

  2. I can go on reading your writing.. Every line, it's just so well written :)

  3. Very nice post Amo. Yes It is really ironical that society defines ‎our relationships, without understanding the meaning of ‎relationship. The so called society, formed by people who neither ‎understand love nor the various forms of pure and honest ‎emotions. It is a shame that most of the people would rather ‎follow the rules of society than to follow their heart. Very well ‎written Amo. Loved it. Keep writing. ‎

  4. Simply beautiful! Take a bow!
    It's true that love can be found in the places and shared amongst people where we think it is most unlikely to exist!
    Keep presenting us with your gems :)


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