Dec 27, 2011


The day and the night;
Your hands and mine.

The lightening and the rain;
Your eyes and mine.

The sky and the clouds;
Your thoughts and mine.

The stars and the moon;
Your dreams and mine.

The clashing waves and the thunder
Your beating heart and mine.

Heaven and earth;
Your life and mine.

Interweaved threads of two souls;
The breeze and the swaying creeper;
You and I.


Wrote these random lines over a week ago. Random, yes; but the way I see it and feel it,its true.

P.S: I so wish I had the ability to express feelings in poetic words. I try and each time I feel dissatisfied that I just cant seem to find the right words and put them in the right places!
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Dec 4, 2011

She never cried !

Her parents thought she was an amazing baby;
In spite of the lack of somebody to cradle,
the grandmother wondered why she never cried.

Her brother thought she was an amazing playmate;
In spite of the toddler pinching her hard,
the mother wondered why she never cried.

Her friends thought she was an amazing shoulder to lean on;
In spite of their bitching about her,
the brother wondered why she never cried.

Her husband thought she was an amazing wife;
In spite of him cheating on her,
the friend wondered why she never cried.

Her children thought her as an amazing mum;
In spite of the difficulty they posed in their growing years,
the husband wondered why she never cried.

There came a day when her husband passed away;
In spite of her ill-health amidst this,
the children wondered why she never cried.

The little granddaughter thought she was an amazing grandma;
to have never cried and been so strong all through the years
“You shall be my idol”, she proclaimed.
But when she was being taken away to an old age home,
the little girl wondered why she cried!


The original poem was written by me way back in 2002. Tried rewriting it with some editions and published in Infy blogs sometime in July.
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Nov 17, 2011


 Disclaimer : Posted in Infosys Blog in July.

The clock struck ten.

He stared at the wooden floor. The yellow lighting of the bulb that swayed, cast long shadows of all the objects around. It was unbelievably quiet. The only noise was the fast breathing of the slender woman in front of him.

She was dressed in a brown flowing long skirt, a white shirt and a brown waistcoat. Her hair was tied into a ponytail with a few strands of hair falling on her face. Her face was what people referred to as angelic. The glow of the light made her face more radiant. In the entire gloomy setting she stood out, like a fair angel.

“Irony”, thought he.

He looked at the horrified expression on the beautiful face.

He told her loudly “Today it will end!”

She took a step forward and looked at him pleadingly. The pained expression of hers was heart wrenching. But, he wasn’t going to fall for that one. In a slow practiced action he yanked his pistol that was tucked behind his back with his right hand and pointed it towards her. It was heavy.

She begged him “Pleaase listen to me! Forgive me. I know I have betrayed your trust but you do not need to do this.”

Seeing no change in his demeanor she continued “We can sort this out. I have acted with best interests in my heart”

“What could I have done John? I was alone and scared. I waited for you. You never came. With every minute I was losing it. I had no other way out. I kept a lookout for you and have always waited. I have always cared for you. You know that. It never ceased!” she cried, the pain in her voice evident.

“Lies”, he bellowed like a mad man as the lightening flashed. It was followed by the heavy rumbling noise of thunder. It was as if hell was unleashing fury on the mortals.

He looked like a man in agony in spite of the anger emanating from his actions.

With a wail, she knelt down and screamed out “O Gods! Spare my poor John of this misery. I can see him caught between sorrow and fury. I am the one who wreaked this wretch upon us both. He needn’t turn into a killer because of the devil in me”, she sobbed.

His arms slackened at the sight of beautiful Margaret looking so pitiful.

In a flurry of movements he saw a metal vase come hurling down at him. He ducked and the vase crashed into the glass table behind him.

Enraged, he stepped forward towards her.

She had seized the opportunity when he had mellowed down, to grab the vase by the low table next to her where she was kneeling and had hurled it at him. What she hadn’t anticipated was his unusually quick reflexes .He had always been slow witted.

Still seated, looking at him recoil, she moved herself backwards with the thrust of her legs and hands which seemed to quiver with fear. She looked pitiful. It seemed so wretched to unleash such wraith on a beautiful creature like her.

His movement further near her made her shudder.

He put his left hand on her head.

Stroking her hair,sighing, he said, “I cannot kill you. Even though you hurled the vase at me, I know you did it out of despair. It brought me out of my madness”.

When she looked at him with a doubt, he knelt in front of her, one leg on the ground and one leg bent, lifted her chin up and said “You are too beautiful to die, my love. Promise to never betray or leave me ever again.”

The contours on her face relaxed and she broke into her enchanting smile.

“Never! Never again shall I hurt you”, she crooned.

He looked into her brown eyes and bent closer to her face.

Truly convinced that she was out of any eminent danger for at least that period of time, she leaned forward to kiss him.

A gunshot that reverberated through the surroundings could be heard the very next moment !




The survivor looked at the lifeless body sprawled on the floor one last time and walked out of the door.

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Oct 12, 2011

A step forward

Those eyes always mesmerized her. That smile always exhilarated her senses.

While the rest of the day passed in a fast blur, those few moments in the evenings seemed to last a lifetime. She couldn’t remember when the wide, sparkling hazel eyes first caught her attention. The combination of the mop of curly black hair, the thin eyebrows, the deep set eyes, the round face, and the chubby cheeks along with the dimples that formed had her hooked .She looked forward every single day to be lost in awe. Those moments added meaning to her life.

Her desire was simple. To yield to the fascination, be able to clasp his hands, to feel his fingers around hers. Just once. Simple desires were out of bounds for her. She did not understand why but she knew she had to comply with the rules and be satisfied with just watching him, which itself was a great joy.

Evenings were cold and his smiles rare. Yet, she waited patiently, without missing a single flutter, just for the warmth that she could garner when those pink lips curved slightly upwards and the otherwise flawless surface of his cheeks was adorned with the dimples.


As an orange maple leaf dancing along the wind, came spiraling down at her, she held her hand to catch it. At the same moment out the corner of her eyes she saw his stretched out hands across the narrow path. The leaf settled down between them. She could see his longing eyes as she picked it up.

She felt herself giving away to the alluring image of the hand stretched out towards her. Gathering her guts, she took a step forward only to be reminded by the warnings. Torn between the two, she wistfully looked at him; his smile did the trick. Looking around to make sure nobody noticed, she took slow and steady steps forward. As she reached closer, she felt her breathing get heavy. What if he screamed at her ugliness like others! What if he stopped smiling! No, she couldn’t let that happen. She contemplated throwing the leaf at him and running back when he bent precariously, with outstretched hand.

The last few strides she that took were mostly the fastest and the bravest she had ever taken. Her timely intervention prevented him from toppling down to a fatal fall. He smiled encouragingly. She took a step back from him, and offered the leaf to him on her outstretched palm. She waited for him to pick it up. What happened next astonished her; she wanted to scream with joy as his fingers enveloped her index finger. She stared at his sweet smile in awe. She was delighted to know that he wanted to hold her hand, just like she had always wished. Maybe he was the god’s angel that her mum spoke of.

As she stared into his eyes, and he back into hers, she felt her knees buckle and a warm wave wash over her. The moment seemed to last forever, as though each grain of sand trickled by extra slowly, in the sand clock of time just to let her have the beauty of the moment extended.
A tear trickled down on her cheek. She knew the moment had to end. As she stepped back, he clung to her forward leaning over precariously again.


“How dare you?!” a voice screamed out and she found herself on the ground. A loud commotion had issued but all she could remember was the feeling of exhilarated elation a few moments ago.


She gave a look of longing out of the window every evening. Her outings to the park had stopped.


She didn’t know that the change was because of a letter that had arrived at her doorstep days ago which read

Respected Sir,
In eve of the events that occurred last evening, with two year old Kevin almost being pushed by your daughter to a gruesome fall of the bench which luckily was avoided thanks to the timely intervention of Mrs. Smith, we have come to a definite conclusion. We wish to revoke the permissions we had earlier issued. Your mentally challenged fifteen year old daughter, Arianna will not be allowed to enter the children’s park area hereon owing to the danger she poses. Any violation of the same will result in your evacuation from the society. Considering the fact that you are behind your down payment already, we sincerely request you to keep your daughter away from the other children.

Thanking you,
The president,
The society welfare committee


Arianna had taken her step forward while the others are yet to step forward from their hapless circles.

As for Arianna, she lives her life contentedly reminiscing her magical moment when she held Kevin’s hand.

P.S : While walking back home yesterday evening, heads up, music blasting in my ears I was distracted by a small scream . Turning around I saw a "special child" in crutches; her contorted face broke into a smile so beautiful that my heart melted. For a minute I couldn't gather the guts to look her in the eye. She, a mentally challenged girl , who screamed out of happiness with every step she took, had the heart out to smile at a total stranger. I smiled back at her and resumed sighing sadly at the self centered creatures , the otherwise so called normal people like us have become; worrying incessantly about things that don’t even matter while that girl could smile. Indeed she is a special child.

This post is dedicated to her, whose name I don't know but who taught me something very important yesterday.
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Sep 6, 2011


“In spite of the darkness around, I can see your curled up silhouette on the bed.
I wish I could come and hug you while you are in your sweet siesta and you would not know of it!
I wish I could kiss your forehead and run my hands through your hair while you are lost in dreamland.
I wish I could understand what you mumble, see what you see when you lay oblivious of the cruel world outside.
I wish I could hold you close when you shiver in sleep.
I wish I could see you sleep and lose myself in the same somnolence lying next to you”

Sweeping a last glance, she closed the door and took her heavy step stealthily. She was late but, she had no other option. She couldn’t be disposed to do more than this. 


Hours later, she sighed at the familiarity of the darkness she spent. The same old routine. Each day was different, a new struggle.Yet, they were perennially indistinguishable. 

Lying beside her was he, in deep slumber, the rise and fall of his convex abdomen with each breath he took,  distinct, in spite of the darkness. 

Whether it was cacophonous or alarmingly quiet, she could never figure. All she waited was for the needle to tick by, for the stars to fade, for the first rays of light to appear in the distant horizon 

The whispers, the pointing fingers did not bother her. Neither did the lecherous glares nor, the nefarious smiles. They were all obscurely clear yet, pellucidly indistinct. 

The splash of cold water hit her face, washing away her makeup, removing her mask.

The morning babble emanating from the street outside was welcoming.

She could see him clearly now. Nearing him, she brushed off his disheveled hair falling on his forehead. Before she could inch her lips nearer to his closed eyes, he opened them, threw her a look which he did every morning and bolted towards the bathroom. 

Her silence said “You don’t understand now son. But, one day you will.”

There were questions but to her, her life was pellucid.

He would be gone for the day in an hour, and she, back to her mask a while after that. 

Changing from her garish clothes, she put the money she earned the previous night into her savings box and set to make breakfast for him before he dashed off to school.

He would devour what she was about to cook for him forgetting everything else. He would be her beloved boy again, unadulterated for those few moments. 

A contended smile danced on her lips as she hummed a beautiful tune. 

P.S : Been ages since I posted. By ages I mean ages ! *Sigh* Hoping to bring this page back from the dead.

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